
MIA is the first home of the White Ribbon Campaign in Guatemala.

MIA está el hogar primero de la Campaña Liston Blanco en Guatemala.

MIA esta entusiasmada por el comienzo de este nuevo proyecto, un curso en linea sobre prevención y protección afectiva sobre violencia sexual hacia la niñez y adolescencia, Solamente en español, para más información, pulse aquí.

MIA is excited to release our newest program!  It’s an on line course about Prevention and Protection against Sexual Violence of Children and Adolescents.  It is available in Spanish only.  To learn more, click here.

Our newest volunteer is a young woman from Canada.  She has written three reports on her time working with MIA in Guatemala, and you can read them here, here, and here.  She has been a very welcome addition to the MIA family, and we look forward to her continuing to work with us from Canada, the birthplace of the White Ribbon Campaign.

Below is the first part of an article by JORGE HERNANDEZ, our volunteer, that was featured in El Periódico.  Congratulations Jorge!!  For the rest of the article, click here.

Lucia and MIA’s work also were featured in Amiga magazine, in an article about femincide.  It is shown in full in News/Blog, or you can click here.

We are proud to announce our founder, Lucía Muñoz and MIA were featured in an article in AMIGA magazine in Guatemala.  Here, several of our volunteers are reading the article:

Volunteers con AMIGA

Please explore our web site  to learn more about us and the work we do in Guatemala, and contact us with any questions.



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