Dear Friends of MIA,
Reports from my own family and friends In Guatemala City say that they are well (thank goodness) following the Pacaya volcano and quakes caused by the volcanic explosion four days ago. However, the down pours by tropical storm Agatha has made the clean up efforts almost impossible. News reports on independent networks say the devastation has hit those marginalized by poverty the most.
Also see:
On my trip to Guatemala last December I saw thousands of makeshift homes on the side of cliffs just below the foothill of the Pacaya volcano. Most of these people are probably now homeless and/or unaccounted for.
I am writing to you in an effort to raise relief funds for the victims in Guatemala City. You are welcome to make a donation here or go directly to or our Causes page on Facebook.
Other places you can also go to donate are AmeriCares.
I truly hope you find it in your heart and wallets to send a few dollars to help those communities affected the most by these natural disasters.
In Solidarity,
Shirley Aldana-Schwarz
Representative for Mujeres Iniciando en las Americas
Please do not forget the women, the victims and survivors of the Feminicide still going on in our beloved Guatemala.