We are in five elementary and middle schools, delivering the Hombres Contra Feminicidio (based on White Ribbon Campaign) workshops. Our facilitators work in pairs, and work with the students from 40 minutes to an hour weekly over a 10 week period. The children are very much engaged and interested in the workshops which have exercises elicit the experience, observations and knowledge of the participants to guide the discussion.
Our facilitators were recruited by Jenny Vela, a student at San Carlos University and are all either students or recent graduates. Mostly young men, they are a very talented and diverse group. Paco is a music teacher and plays mandolin as well as piano. Lily wears the clothes indicating her indigenous ethnic and social group, and is very outspoken. Lily gets up at 4am to make her way into the city by bus to participate with MIA. The facilitators are shown here outside the Police Academy.