IPJ Daylight Series at USD Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice
Thursday, September 3, 12:15 – 1:45 p.m.
This past summer USD sent a team to Quiché – the department in the western highlands of Guatemala that was hardest-hit during that country’s 36-year civil war – to conduct a workshop on conflict transformation. Panelists including the new IPJ Executive Director Milburn Line; IPJ Program Officer Elena McCollim; Community Service Learning Director Elaine Elliott; and Anu Lawrence, M.A. in Peace & Justice ’09, will discuss the outcomes of the workshop and its relevance for peacebuilding efforts in Guatemala. No RSVP required. Feel free to bring a lunch; light refreshments will be provided.
University of San Diego: 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Tel: 619.260.4600